“I haven’t got time to do voluntary work” I heard someone say recently.
Hmm. Maybe they should have replaced those words with “I don’t want to do…” Which is absolutely fine.
That’s the whole point. It’s voluntary.
Yet some of the busiest people around do find time and that’s because they get huge satisfaction from it.
Usually it’s about giving something back and in doing so, they enrich their own lives. A classic ‘win win’ then.
My own preference is to offer up some time to a couple of groups or causes rather than trying to juggle it across too many organisations. Spreading yourself thinly can mean disappointing one or another, so better to opt for quality rather than quantity.
Taking on a voluntary role can be hugely rewarding and humbling. It might be only an hour or so of your time but to someone else it can make a huge difference.
For people who can no longer look after a pet, bringing along your own pooch or moggie makes for happiness all round.
Which neatly gets me to Bonnie, our very own Cornish cockapoo. Quite simply Bonnie makes people smile – which is no bad thing to do in life.
So when she joined a group of Leonard Cheshire Disability volunteers at our local Morrisons supermarket, there were big grins everywhere and (as if by magic) the collection box got heavier.
Anyway, here’s a suggestion. Rather than just making the usual New Year resolutions to get fitter, travel more etc – still good things by the way – how about setting aside an hour or so a week to volunteer?
Give it a whirl and see what a difference it makes. No just to an individual or group but to another major beneficiary. Yourself.
Now over to Bonnie dog for her latest take on things…
‘ Hi ya folks,
You’ll see from the photo that I’ve been strutting my stuff for a good cause.
Lots of pats from passing peeps with the odd treat thrown in. Of course I wagged my tail and fluttered my long eyelashes which usually works wonders.
The rents seemed pleased with the amount of dosh going into that box thingy they were holding and there was an extra helping of my favourite Smart Bone snacks when I got back. Yeh, life is good!
Shame that my play mate Tui, the handsome Havanese, couldn’t join me for my debut charity collection. He’s still recovering from his prolapsed disc and is confined to his pad. I think I’d better visit him soon to clap eyes on that gorgeous face.
Maybe I’ll get the rents to buy him a Christmas present to cheer him up.
I know they’ve already got me some pressies and more importantly, I know exactly where they’re hidden.
Think you can keep something like that from super sleuth Bonnie? I’ll let the rents believe that they’ve pulled the wool over my eyes and then I’ll pounce when they’re off guard.
Just watch this space.
Woof and out…’