Sometimes you just have to take the slower road.
Not that it comes easily to people like yours truly who has always worked to tight deadlines in high octane work environments.
Old habits really do take some shifting but living in Cornwall has helped – they don’t use the word ‘dreckly’ down here for nothing.
For those not in the know, ‘dreckly’ means doing something in an unspecified amount of time – in other words ‘no rush’.
When you launch yourself out there as an author, the ‘dreckly’ route is the only realistic one.
The majority of established writers – even those who are best sellers – have taken a while to get there.
And no matter what standing you have in your chosen field – in my case having written numerous features for national newspapers and magazines – when you start to write fiction, it is a completely different ball game.
New rules, new players, new consumers.
Of course the occasional ‘new kid on the block’ will buck the trend but it’s exactly that. Occasional.
Most well known fiction writers have slogged away for a considerable time with little recognition and modest incomes. Then something magical kicks in.
Readers start to follow, they spread the word and the publishing world takes more notice.
The marketing bods use the ugly term ‘brand awareness’ but whatever you call it, the process still takes time.
Of course if you see writing as a serious pursuit, none of this will come as a surprise.
Yet time and time again, I meet people who expect overnight publishing success in a way that they wouldn’t do in other aspects of their career.
Well more fool them. For now I’ll stick to the more leisurely ‘dreckly’ route and just see what unfolds – with a little ‘marketing’ help from cockapoo dog Bonnie.
More about that in her blog below…..
‘Hey – I’ve bagged myself a new job. At least I think I have.
My rent Maggie says I’d make a great – now what’s the term? – er, ‘marketing tool’ for her books. Forget the word ‘tool ‘- I’m manager material and no doubt I’m the girl for the job.
The idea is that I get my pretty furry face out there on things called social networks and the like.
I just pout and look sweet while she spouts on about the books. Sounds like a doddle
I mean, people are always coming up to say hello to me, offering me doggy treats and the like. So I must have a bit of the wow factor.
Still, I want to know the terms and conditions of this new job.
How will I get paid? More of my favourite ‘smart bone’ treats is all well and dandy but a girl needs a bit more than that.
I’ve said it before, but I think I need an agent.
Watch this space then – and expect to see a bit more of this madam mutt over the coming months.
Woof and out…’