Maggie Fogarty, author

Hi, I’m Maggie Fogarty, pleased to meet you!

Thanks for stopping by at my website. You can find out more about me and my books here. I’ll be doing regular blogs about my life and work, with updates from our dog Bonnie, the very Cornish cockapoo.


Find out more about me…

The Dilemma Novella series is now available as a Kindle box set at Amazon. Visit or to buy.

West End Gal: my latest blog posts

5 Questions To Independent Author Jude Lennon – Indie Author Week UK 2021 You are best known for your children’s books but you have been working on your first full length novel for ‘grown-ups’. Tell us a bit about that. – ‘Kintsugi’ (working title) is a contemporary fiction with an historical twist. The main character has a well ordered, normal life which is turned upside down by […]

Road trip, feature and book…

The one thing this Covid pandemic has taught us is to appreciate life’s small pleasures. Meeting with a few friends for drinks outdoors, an al fresco meal (wearing several layers!), heading off for a road trip to somewhere different. Our increased appreciation of these little but important aspects of life is one of the good […]

Lockdown 2, writing news and Christmas…

Here we are then – just about to come out of lockdown 2 with a mix of optimism and trepidation. Hopefully good news on the Covid-19 vaccine front but not before the prospect of a few tough winter months ahead. The odds of a hard lockdown 3 immediately after Christmas? That’s down to how we […]

Looking back, new book and review

To describe last month as a ‘busy’ one is putting it mildly. A new book launch at the start of #Indie Author Week UK, a magazine anniversary feature, swapping interviews with fellow author Jude Lennon, research work and remote meetings – well all I can say is ‘phew’! Now it is time to pause and […]

Lockdown in West Cornwall…

Depending on whether you are an optimist or pessimist, the saying ‘May you live in interesting times’, is a blessing or a curse. Well no-one could describe these lockdown times as anything but ‘interesting’ with commentators struggling to find distinctive ways to sum up this new world – ‘unprecedented’ has taken a pounding, as has […]