I’ve always been a bit of a list enthusiast – I usually start the day with a ‘to do’ list and love it when they get ticked off.
It’s not just about every day work either. In life as well I’m an avid goal setter. The trick is to be realistic – have just a few achieveable aims, a workable time scale and keep a regular note of how you’re doing.
Studies have shown that people who set goals are more likely to get what they want than those who just muddle along, hoping for the best or for a fairy godmother to wave her good luck wand.
Maybe it is just the simple act of writing it down that can help to seal the deal.
Back in 2004, I set myself 4 big goals.
1) To move to a beautiful part of the country by the sea.
2) To spend some time living abroad.
3) To write more, including journalistic pieces and a novel.
4) To own a dog.
Well, guess what?
All four have been achieved with a move to Cornwall; a brilliant year spent living in Bermuda and writing a regular column for one of the island newspapers; two novels completed and a third underway along with a couple of published short stories.
Oh, and not forgetting Bonnie the dog.
So what next? Let’s just say there are still more goals and I think I’ll go to my grave with that ‘to do’ list!
Of course, you can never plan your life too rigidly – expect the odd curve ball and things to go off track. But focussing on what you want to achieve and making that all important note does help.
And I’ve still got that 2004 list to prove it.
Now over to Bonnie, the very Cornish cockapoo, for her latest take on things…
‘Hiya folks,
Ain’t I just loving those winter beach walks? Yes, it’s a bit nippy and sometimes I need to wear the new doggy coat I got for Christmas.
There’s been the odd windy and rainy day too but hey – a beach is a beach whatever the weather.
My favourite thing is to grab bits of seaweed and run around with them like a demented geezer. The smellier and soggier the seaweed the better.
It’s a great meeting ground for mutts, where we can have rolling in the sand and digging holes parties.
It’ll all change in the Spring when us pooches are banned from the beach but in the meantime it’s doggy paradise out there on them beaches.
Yee ha! Woof and out….’