As a documentary producer I’m well used to film shoots but drama productions are something else. More people, more equipment, more everything.
Recently I joined the set of a Rosamunde Pilcher drama, being filmed in various locations around our home town, Marazion. Bonnie, the very Cornish cockapoo, tagged along and enjoyed all the attention of the film crew.
Anyone would think she was the star rather than the glamorous actress, Rebecca Immanuel.
This time, I was wearing my feature writer hat rather than TV producer role, but it was good to be an observer and interviewer rather than sorting out the crew. It was fascinating to stand back and enjoy the filming process, rather than worrying about camera angles and lighting.
A huge amount of work and dedication goes into film making, with so much potential for things going wrong. Everything from unpredictable weather problems, members of the public pulling stunts in the background, (why do some people feel they have to muck about when they see a TV camera?), and vehicles getting stuck.
Still, it kept the crowds entertained and on this occasion everyone was well behaved.
Then on the following day, more TV scenes were being shot on Folly Field overlooking Mounts Bay. This time it was for a BBC drama and the field was transformed into an impressive looking sporting track.
In fact the whole of Cornwall seems to be buzzing with film crews at the moment, with Poldark’s Aidan Turner spotted – fully clothed this time – being filmed just along the coast for an Agatha Christie drama.
Meantime, Bonnie dog has been preparing for her close up….in more ways than one
‘Hiya folks,
Well didn’t I just enjoy my time milling with the film crew lot? All the attention, the pampering and compliments.
By that I mean for little ‘ol me and not the actress they were filming.
No mark my words, this gal stole the show. In fact I think I made such a splash and I might even get my own walk on part one day – you never know.
My experience has certainly given me the acting bug. Surely there’s a role for a natural like me? Watch this space….
Now for a little confession. I think I’ve fallen just a little bit in love with someone I’ve met on one of my walkies. He’s a handsome brute called Tui and from what I understand he’s a Havanese.
Well I must say he’s a looker. Dark, handsome and exactly my type.
Walkies have become even more exciting as there is always a chance that I’ll bump into the lovely Tui. I think he feels the same about me too, so you might say he’s my new boyfriend.
Next time we’re out I’ll try to get one of the rents to take a piccy.
Never mind this Aidan Turner bloke the humans are going on about.
Tui beats him paws down on looks.
Woof and out…’