If we thought last year was busy in west Cornwall, well that was nothing compared to the sizzling summer of 2018.
Not only record temperatures but soaring visitor numbers too – our town of Marazion has seen thousands of people arrive to enjoy the beach, watersports, St Michael’s Mount, and some great eateries.
Yes the road traffic has increased and you have to factor in a lot more time to get to places. But heh – it’s fun to people watch and do some celebrity spotting. On that note, former Spice Girl, Geri Halliwell, (now Horner) and her family have been holidaying in the area and even popped into our local, the Godolphin Arms.
A combination of a weak pound, sunny weather, an increase in foreign visitors and more ‘staycations’, has given a big boost to the local economy and just when you think Cornwall can’t get any busier in the summer months – well think again. This trend is here to stay and with it comes those traffic niggles and queues, the good with the bad. Yes really!
Recently, I’ve taken part in a couple of live interviews for our local radio station, Coast FM. The first was about Bonnie dog’s ‘Pets As Therapy’ role and afterwards the presenter, Pat Quayle, asked if I could do another live chat with her about writing and working in television.
The thing about live interviews, is they are seat of the pants stuff. Once you’ve said something that’s it, there is no going back. As someone who is more used to asking the questions rather than answering them, it’s been a fascinating but strange experience.
Pat Quayle has an acting background and has worked for the BBC, so knows her writing and production stuff. Her late brother, Eric, had one of the country’s largest book collections and was also an author. Before we knew it, half an hour had flown by and I’ve been promised a copy to share on social media – but only when it’s been listened to and vetted by yours truly!
Meantime, I’m looking to make contact with the real Debbie McKay – the one who used to live in our house – and who happens to have a namesake character in my ‘Dilemma Novella’ series. I knew nothing about this until I gave a talk to a local group earlier this year and someone came up afterwards to ask me if the main ‘Debbie’ character in my books was named after someone who once resided at our home.
Given that the character’s name was chosen well before we moved here – and is actually a combination of the names of two friends – it’s a spooky coincidence. So watch this space and I’ll report on how it goes.
Now for Bonnie dog’s news…
‘Hiya folks,
Notice how I’ve been shunted to the tail end of the blog again? This had better be a short term thing, or I’ll be stamping those paws and causing mayhem. Come on, this is no place for a doggy star in the making and well I know it.
Rant over – for now.
Talking of spotlight, guess who got all the attention at the Leonard Cheshire home summer fete the other day? Yes, I know when that yellow coat thingy goes on – and the PAT collar tag – that I need to be on my best behaviour. No jumping up or grabbing treats. (Not that this gal would ever grab food unlike some greedy mutts I know).
Still, it’s summer and everyone was chilled out at the fete. A bit different then from my usual visit and we hung around for a tad longer, while little ol’ me enjoyed the extra pats and yes, the odd doggy treat.
So here’s a piccy of me below with the rent Paul wearing matching mellow yellow.
Two cool dudes eh? (Lol – as the rents would say).
Now that I’ve made my radio debut, there’s a rumour that there could be more. I don’t get to say much but who cares? Those studio bods sure know how to make a fuss and I can just lounge around, while the two legged lot do all the work.
What’s not to like?
Woof and out..’
If you ever do find Debbie McKay I’d love to know – I worked with her in Torquay at Imperial Hotel around 1979.
Hi Kathy – thanks for getting in touch. (This blog post goes back a bit so I’m guessing that you have just picked up on it?). I haven’t managed to track down Debbie yet but I gather from a neighbour that she now lives in Jersey. I’ll try to find out a bit more and will let you know if I manage to get a contact number. Best Wishes, Maggie Fogarty.