Well, it’s finally done. The follow-up Novella to ‘Dear Mr DJ’ is now written and after getting proof copies printed, it will be off to my three test readers for their verdicts.
If all goes to plan, it should be out by the beginning of May. In the meantime, after a lot of playing around with the storylines and structure, work will begin in earnest on the crime novel I’m writing with another author.
Co-writing is a potentially tricky business but in our case it has been a smooth operation – so far at least. It’s partly down to the fact that our writing styles are different but somehow gel together. We’ve developed the characters around our individual strengths and given that a lot of work has already gone into the planning, the writing should be a relatively quick process. Let’s see but we’ve given ourselves a month to get the first draft done, each writing different chapters.
It’s a steep learning curve but a fascinating one and there’s an exciting ‘twist and turn’ story in the making.
After recently spending 9 days in the beautiful island of Madeira – one of several planned trips abroad this year – it has brought home the importance of taking time just to chill out. It’s good for the brain (and the soul) to get a change of scene, even if – like us – you are lucky enough to live in a stunning part of the country.
It also helps having a trusted minder for our dog, Bonnie, who also got her very own ‘holiday’ at Praa Sands. Of course, she was delighted to see us when we got back but staying with her minder, Leda, gives her someone else to bond with and a different local beach to frolic on. A win/win for everyone then.
Now over to Bonnie for her latest thoughts….
“Hi ya folks,
OK I did miss the rents – a little bit anyway – when they went off to somewhere called ‘Madeira’ but I still had a blast with the lovely Leda.
She loves long walks which suits me fine. She also teaches me new tricks in exchange for treats and I can veg out on the sofa just like at home.
Once the rents were back, it was straight down to my own beach – I see it as all mine you see – to re-acquaint myself.
I keep looking out for my Havanese pal, Tui, but word has it that he is still recovering from his back injury.
At this rate it’ll be the summer before we get our next play date. I’ve already got it all mapped out. A long run on the sand and then some of that special doggy ice-cream I’ve heard about. It’s peanut flavour for me by the way.
Afterwards a snooze on the balcony, sun beating down, light summer breeze. As I’ve said before, a gal can only dream.
Oh – and before I sign off, it’s my birthday this Wednesday March 30. A full two years old and take it it from me, I expect some decent pressies. Just saying….
Woof and out.”