Hey – it’s little ol’ me again, Bonnie the dog blogger.
Just got back from a great break away with my rents – we stayed in a cottage right up in the Malvern Hills, so lots of great walkies and pub visits. (You guys know how much I love a good long stroll followed by a drop into a pub). Let’s face it, the two go together like – er – chicken and kibble or Tui my Havanese friend and me.
Saw lots of peeps and met a few new pals too. You’re never short of a friend when you’re out with a cute dog like me. That’s what my rents say anyway, so I’ll take the compliment thank you.
Now it’s back to work and there’s lots of stuff for me to do around rent Maggie’s books. With the three novellas all done and dusted, it’s full speed ahead so watch out for me with my ‘marketing mutt’ hat on.
Trust me, by the time we’re finished I’ll be even more of a celebrity than I am now!
Anyway, here’s a piccy of yours truly sizing up the job.
Look good don’t I? Next week there’s a proper photo shoot lined up with beautiful Cornish back-drops. Yes, sun, beach, Bonnie and (must not forget!) books. Never mind whether you are summer body ready yet. The real question is, are you holiday book ready? Just sayin…
That’s it for now folks and keep an eye out for those great snaps. When you spot them, let me know what you think because this gal just loves a bit of feedback.
Woof and out….